Terms of Service Agreement

Licensing Agreement

Unless otherwise stated on an agreed upon contract, the Client agrees that, subject to the rights and license granted herein, Digati Photography is, and will remain, the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title, and interest, throughout the world, to all Photos and any copies of the Photos. The Client will not sublicense the Photos without the prior written permission of the Digati Photography.

For more information, please contact Matthew directly for a copy of the full licensing agreement.

Payment Terms

Unless otherwise stated on the delivered invoice, the Client has 14 days to deliver full payment to Digati Photography. After the amount of time for payment terms has elapsed, Digati Photography reserves the right to charge a late payment fee of $100 per week per invoice.

Unless otherwise stated on an agreed upon contract, the Client agrees that Digati Photography can terminate any agreement and seek monetary compensation if the agreement terms were not met by the Client.

Agreement Terms